Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Life Happenings: Excursions in the Kitchen

Life Happenings: Excursions in the Kitchen

Crock Pot Salsa Chicken

-2 large/4 medium chicken breasts
-1 can cream of chicken soup (98% fat free is good)
-6 oz. light sour cream
-1 cup of salsa (we use medium heat)
-1 packet of taco seasoning
-2 cups brown minute rice

-place chicken breasts in crock pot and cover with taco seasoning
-mix soup and salsa together and pour over chicken breasts
-cook for 2.5 hours if chicken is unfrozen, 6 hours if frozen
-mix rice and sour cream into the crock pot and shred chicken with forkand let cook until the rice is done
-serve as is or in a whole wheat tortilla

Makes 6 servings

Bon Appétit!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life Happenings: General Life Happenings

Life Happenings: General Life Happenings


So, Traver and I got a puppy! YAY! I have been bugging him for a puppy for quite a while and I finally got one! On monday I got an email from someone at the base that had found a puppy on the side of the road and were trying to find it a good time. When we called there was another couple who was already looking so we figured we probably wouldnt get him but we gave them our info anyway, just in case. Well they called tuesday night and said he was still available if we wanted to see him. We went over and he was just too cute how do you turn that down! We brought him home and did a late night walmart trip to get supplies. The first night was kind of rough, he cried alot, I got up with him 3 times that night and by 7am he was awake and I had to get up with him. He was really good that first day, Traver and I both got some good time with him, but we both had to work at one point or another and they overlapped by like 3 hours, which meant the puppy had to stay home alone during that time, but he did great! He was better that night too, he only got up twice but he was awake at like 6 and ready for the day, so I got up, he is trying to make a morning person out of me, and I am so not a morning person! By the time Traver got up I had made a vet appointment for later that morning and we had to pick a name, because it is just sad to go to the vet with a nameless dog. 

We had gone back and forth about names, we wanted something aviation related and been bouncing names around since we got him and just hadnt found the right one, by this point we were between Ace and Boeing, and we went with Boeing! Its perfect for him, and we love it! So we took him to the vet and he did great, the vet was really nice and Boeing was a trooper! They gave him his first round of shots and an ear mite treatment (and an ointment for us to use) and a de-worm treatment. They weighed him in at 5 lbs and he is between 6-7 weeks old, he is so tiny! We were able to get something to keep the ticks off of him too because they love him! Anyway, he slept most of today after the vet. We even had some friends over and he barely played with them, sleep coma apparently. So he was really mellow and they loved him, I wish he was like that all the time! He is just so cute and we just love him! We are in the process of crate training him and its been hard but he does really well so far!
Cant wait to see what all we have in store with this little guy in the future! I hope he sleeps in a little more tomorrow, I could use the sleep! 

Woof Woof!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Life Happenings: General LIfe Happenings

Life Happenings: General Life Happenings

Church Stuff! 

So, for the last 8 months of being in Meridian Traver and I have been struggling to find a church, we have tried several churches and each one came up short, in one way or another. The biggest problem with each of them, at least for me, was the lack of young people to fellowship with. Fellowship is such a huge part of church for me and there weren't any opportunities for that at the churches we were trying. We did find one that Traver liked, in terms of message, but again no fellowship opportunities, and I got very little out of the teachings. I personally have a very hard time getting up and going to church if Im excited to hear what is going to be said and with all these churches, I had no excitement, I wasnt being fed at these churches so I would sleep through it and wake up feeling guilty for not going, but not that guilty, and that is a bad sign. 

So last weekend, on Saturday, Traver got up to go to this Bible Study and I got up and did one of my own. I started into the book of Romans and was just starting to feel more and more fed and alive with each verse. That night we went to a friends house for dinner and they mentioned trying this new church (Faith Baptist), the church of the family that leads the Saturday morning Bible Study, and we decided we would try it too! The family that lead the Saturday Bible Study, the Blankenships, lead a 9:30 Sunday School class for young adults on Sundays, and then there is the normal Church service after that at 10:45. So we got up and went to the 9:30 service where they were finishing up Galatians, it was great to sit in a room full of young adults and break into God's word! We even stayed for the 10:45 service, which was great and had a great message as well! After church we had lunch with a big group of people from the class (mostly student naval aviators and their wives) and everything seemed to be falling into place! 

To make everything better, Tuesday there was a meeting at the Blankenship's house to plan the start of an Officer Christian Fellowship for the base here. I was super pumped about it and the meeting went great! We got the chance to decide how we want to go about running it and where we thought God was leading it. So now we have not only a church for Sunday's but also a midweek Bible Study! Then to add to that, a few of the girls from the church and OCF are part of a women's Bible Study on Thursday nights and they invited me along. They are working through Beth Moore's book on Esther and so far it has been great, and I went to my first meeting last night and what a comfort it was to spend time with some Christian women and talk about God! I have missed that so much since we have been here! It was always so amazing to me how great it made me feel when I would go home and get together with my two best Christian friends, Kirsten and Christina, they are so encouraging and inspirational in their faiths, and I'm excited at the prospect of building that here as well!

So anyway, I just really wanted to share my excitement at finding not only a Church, but a midweek study, and a women's study! When God moves, he really moves! In less than a week, I feel so much more put together, I feel a 100 times closer to God, and I am just happier in general about life! What an awesome feeling! 

Praise God!!!!!