Life Happenings: General Life Happenings
Wings, Family, and Vacation
At the end of last month Traver recieved his wings of Gold and is officially a Naval Aviator! I am so proud of him, he has accomplished so much and has worked so hard to get to where he is now. We found out that we will be moving to Lemoore, CA where he will learn to fly the F/A-18 Super Hornet in squadron VFA-122! We were thrilled with this because it was our first choice to go to Lemoore and it was his first choice to fly Super's! We will be so much closer to family and friends and be on the best coast! Now if only they would cut us orders so we could know where we are leaving!
The winging week was great because both Traver and my parents came out for it, so we got to see family and celebrate all together! We all got the chance to go into the T-45 (the plane Traver flew here in training) simulator, which was really realistic and much more challenging than we imagined it would be. It was fun to show the parents around the squadron and for them to see where Traver works everyday. We also got the opportunity to go out to the runway and watch other students come in for touch-and-go landings! It was incredibly loud but awesome at the same time! They even had a family day at the squadron where we got to meet Traver's CO and they gave out awards to the guys for different things they did throughout flight school. Traver got an award for excellent bombing skills and also for having the highest grades at the aircraft carrier when they went out to land! I even got an award for my wonderful work as a student naval aviator spouse, haha, it was funny but also greatly appreciated! The winging ceremony itself was great, it was fun to get to pin Traver's wings of gold on his chest, he even got me a wing pendant that I wear all the time now!
We didnt have long after the parents left before we left on leave to drive up to Annapolis. We camped our way up (Boeing too), stopping in Ft. Payne, AL for one night (worst nights sleep ever, hott and muggy, gross) and then we stopped in the Great Smoky Mountains for another night which was awesome, it was beautiful in the mountains (and cooler). We then drove up to Reston, VA to stay with my cousins and go to a wedding in Annapolis. The wedding was great and it was fun to see some of Traver's classmates we hadnt seen in a while. Boeing made good friends with my cousin's dog T-Bone and they got to swim and run and play alot, I think he is lonely and bored at home now, haha! We spent three nights there and then went down to Lake Anna where my great aunt and uncle live and stayed two nights with them. We camped one more night on the way home in the Great Smoky's, which was almost a disaster, since the campground we planned to go to was up a deserted, overgrown, dirt road, we went almost all the way up when we decided it wasnt worth getting stuck, crashing... where there is no cell service and no way anyone will ever find us! Boy it was nice to get home after that!
All together we traveled 2251.5 miles on the trip and spent a total of 40 hours and 52 minutes driving (that isnt including stops that is actual driving time)!
Now we are just trying to get the house back to normal, and Im preparing to go out to Cali for a job interview in Fresno and to do some house hunting in Lemoore for when we finally get orders and get to move! It should be pretty exciting! Ill let you know how it goes!
Live it UP!!!!!!