Saturday, January 9, 2010

Life Happenings: General Life Happenings

Life Happenings: General Life Happenings


So a while back, my mom and I agreed that we would learn languages and go to those countries when Traver is away on deployments. So our first language is FRENCH! We decided last summer we would start learning french and my mom went out and got all kinds of fun stuff for us. It was actually really fun. I got home from an evening out and my mom had this super cute bag full of little wrapped up gifts all having to do with France.

A french computer program, not Rosetta Stone, way way to expensive! But its called Instant Immersion and its got lots of awesome stuff in it including a mystery game you play when you are all done and have to solve all in French. Its a great program and WAY cheaper than rosetta stone!

A french book called "French in 10 minutes a day" which has little lessons and stickers to put all over your house and flash card and puzzles and games that help you learn, its a great book for learning!

A subscription to France Magazine which is really fun to look through, its not in French, but has all these sweet articles about places in France and just fun things, and it does have some french in it to help you learn and read in French!

She also got us each these books by Mireille Guiliano... "French Women Dont Get Fat" and "French Women For All Seasons" and although I havent fully read them yet, they are pretty good and funny! She also got us a book called " A Year in Provence" by Peter Mayle and Im looking forward to reading it!

And as a fun extra, she got me a copy of "Sex and Mrs. X", dont worry its not anything raunchy, its a movie, a comedy, about a woman who goes to France to write an article about a French woman who basically sets up well established french men with beautiful women.... ok ok it sounds bad, but its really not and its very funny, and very french!

All in all we have tons of fun French learning tools and are making progress towards really learning the language and making a trip to FRANCE! We are so excited and I think its going to be great! I cant wait for our actual trip to France where we can put our french to good use and sit by the Eiffel Tower and drink wine and eat cheese, haha! We even are thinking about doing a race while we are there, since we are currently training for a half-marathon, we figured why not just keep up with it and do a race while in France! But we shall see how that goes, haha!

Au Revoir!

Life Happenings: Entertaining Exercise

Life Happenings: Entertaining Exercise


As of the 1st of this month I started training for a half-marathon! My mom and I, and several of her friends and their daughters are training for a half-marathon later this year and its really exciting! I am no runner, like I literally dont run, but I am really excited to become a runner. The first thing I did was buy GOOD running shoes, that is one thing I knew, I could not run in bad shoes, and it makes all the difference. So if you are thinking about running you should make sure you go to a running store and have them fit your foot to the right shoe! There are so many different shoes out there and a running store will be able to find the one that fits your foot just right. For me, I got Mizuno's and they are awesome! I use the Mizuno Wave Rider and they are super light weight which is really important and they are really comfy!

Another good thing to get is a book that will give you a better idea of how to train for a half-marathon. I have "The Absolute Beginners Guide to Half-Marathon Training" and its really great. It goes through the whole process from start to finish, also through how to eat when in training, and it comes with stength training logs, food logs, and running logs. Its a great book and definitely worth the read! I also got a running watch that keeps track of your distance, speed, and even estimates calories burned! All these things are great resources when you start training for races.

Another awesome resource is Hal Higdon's website ( . He was a world class runner and has written several books and programs for runners, starting with beginners all the way through advanced runners. His website is a gold mine full of awesome information for runners. Whether you are running a 5K or a Marathon, or a triathalon, or if you live in the cold or the hot. He has a program for everyone and they are all editable so that you can make it work into your lifestyle and time frame!

Ill be keeping everyone posted on my progress through my training! Wish me luck!